Recipe from The Waitakere Redneck’s Kitchen
All that is required is dissolve some salt in water and one month later…..viola salted eggs. Cost wise it is cheap….price of ordinary eggs and some salt.
Salt about 5 at a time in a small plastic container. To salt the eggs, use whatever available sized container as long as the eggs stay submerged by the brine.
- 1 cup water to ¼ cup salt (ratio)
- large fresh chicken or duck eggs
- plastic or glass container
- ½ tsp szechuan peppercorn per 1 cup water (optional)
- To work out how much liquid is needed, place eggs in chosen container. Pour cold water into container. Drain water out to a measuring jar to work out salt ratio.
- Dissolve salt in hot water. Leave to cool.
- Pour salt water into jar to completely cover eggs. Add szechuan pepercorn (optional).
- Label and keep in a cool place for at least 1 month.
- Remove eggs and store in fridge. Use as required.
- Note:
* Sea salt or ordinary salt can be used.
* If szechuan peppercorn is added, salted eggs will taste peppery. Omit if plain unflavoured eggs are preferred.
* Make sure eggs are totally submerged when lid is shut. If it floats, add a plate of some sort (not metal) to help keep it down.
* Use biggest eggs that can be bought for big egg yolks.
Recipe from Thai Cooking with Jam
- Chicken or duck eggs (as many as you want)
- A jar or two, big enough to hold eggs or split them up
- 1 part salt
- 4 parts water
- Bring water and salt to a boil, let it cool off completely.
- Put duck eggs in jar and pour salt water to top of jar. Put a bamboo skewer across jar. Eggs must be fully submerged.
- Close lid, label, so that you know when it is done.
- Let sit for 21 days.

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If the eggs are ‘floating’, what I normally do is filled a double plastic bag with water and tie the ends securely. Place the plastic bag on top of the eggs. The weight of the water will push the eggs down (coz water is denser than salt water and hence will try to sink..and push the eggs down at the same time.) Didnt need a lid though..:)
That’s a good tip, Yeun. Thank u.. 🙂