After some time of hard thinking, I’ve got a new slow cooker. This time, it’s a Crockpot Slow Cooker – the smallest version at 3.5 litres and with a clear glass lid.
This is good for making meals for 3-4 persons but I think, it’s also good for making meals for at least 5 persons. I’ve used it twice; it gets warm pretty fast as compared to our Water-based Slow Cooker which I bought several years ago.
What I like in the Crockpot:
- it’s oval-shaped.
- the glass cover or lid.
- the size and pot.
What I found lacking (or a min):
- no indicator to inform that it’s on.
- only a high and low switch; with no way to set the timer.
- keep warm switch’s manual.
Well, anyway, I’ll keep on using it. Alternating between using my Water-based Slow Cooker and Crockpot Slow Cooker or using both at the same time.. I guess that’s also a plus.. 🙂

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Which slow cooker do you prefer, the western or the chinese? Have you tried making western recipes in the water-based slow cooker? I have one and have no idea how to use it!!!
Hi Virginie,
I use my Crockpot as often as my Asian water-based slowcooker. It depends on what I’m cooking and what kind of results I want.
I use the water-based slowcooker for more water-based dishes, eg soup or broth. Or for softer-based dishes where you don’t get a baked effect – in this case, you add in only 1/3 part of liquid than specified in a western slowcook recipe.
I love them both. 🙂