Stirfried Turnip & Carrot as well as some dried shrimps and shredded dried cuttlefish’s inspired by a girlfriend of mine, Elvira and in the style ala Jiu-Hu-Char. It’s actually a simplified version of Jiu-Hu-Char coz I didn’t have all the ingredients (e.g. yambeans/sengkuang, cabbage and pork) needed to make it. I was also extremely lucky and super-happy to find a replacement for yambeans in “meiraap” (dutch for turnip) going at half price at the supermarket.. 🙂
- 500g turnips (or yambeans preferably)
- 250g carrots
- 10g dried shiitake mushrooms
- 40g dried shrimps
- 40g shredded cuttlefish, rinsed
- 3 shallots, peeled and finely sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped
- 2 tbsp vegetable or sunflower oil
- 1 tbsp light soy sauce
- ½ tsp sugar, or to taste
- salt and ground pepper, or to taste
PrepTime: 20 mins; CookTime: 20 mins
This is Meiraap in Dutch or Turnip in English
- Soak dried shiitake mushrooms in hot water for 20 mins, remove shrimps but keep water. Remove stalks, slice mushrooms thinly and set aside.
- Soak dried shrimps in hot water for 10 mins, remove shrimps but keep water and chop shrimps roughly. Add to shredded cuttlefish and set aside.
- Peel turnips (or yambeans) and carrots. Slice as thinly as possible and then cut as finely as possible to resemble little toothpicks (julienne).
- Heat wok on medium heat, add oil and sautee garlic till fragrant. Then add dried shrimps and cuttlefish and stirfry till they begin to pop, just a few mins.
- Add shallots, turnip and carrots and stirfry for a few more mins. Then add saved water from soaking dried shrimps and mushrooms and some water till abt 200 ml and pour into wok.
- Bring to the boil and let simmer, stirring occasionally, for abt 10 mins. Turnips should be translucent but still retaining some crunch.
- Season with light soysauce, sugar as well as salt and pepper to taste.
- Serve with rice and some sambal belacan or as a starter, wrapped in Chinese lettuce or little gem leaves.
Delish.. 🙂
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