My parents had given us abt 750g of real Vietnamese coffee bought when they went on a tour to Laos with a 1-day tour over the border to Vietnam, some months ago. They know that Dunster and I love coffee and that we would love Vietnamese coffee as well.. How well they know us.. 🙂
Vietnamese Iced Coffee‘s sweet and always made fresh with the help of a special coffee maker. Lovely taste and cooling after a delish spicy meal..

Vietnamse Iced Coffee 2


  • 2-4 tbsp finely blended Vietnamese coffee (or any dark coffee)
  • 2-4 tbsp sweet condensed milk
  • 2 cups boiled hot water
  • 1 cup coffee ice cubes *
  • Vietnamese coffee maker **



    Serves 1
    Prep time 10 mins
    Cook time
    Total time 10 mins
total time

Vietnamse Iced Coffee


  1. Put 2 tbsp (or add more for a sweeter flavour) sweet condensed milk in a coffee mug and put coffee maker on top of mug..
  2. Put coffee in coffee maker, pour hot water over coffee in coffee maker and leave to drip.
  3. Stir dripped coffee well.
  4. Drink coffee either warm or cooled (with ice cubes) with some sweet cookies. Enjoy!

* Prepare coffee, leave to cool and pour into ice cube container. Leave in freezer till frozen.
** If Vietnamese coffee maker’s not available, use an expresso maker instead.

Vietnamse Iced Coffee 1

It’s really good; cooling but leaving a delish, deep coffee aftertaste in the mouth..


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