Spicy Potato & Tomato Curry is an accompaniment to Lamb Stew with Black Pepper, Coconut & Clove for an Indian-themed dinner with Dunster and a girlfriend of ours. We enjoy introducing different cuisines to her, whose parents are originally from Hong Kong, and who’s mostly used to Chinese or Japanese cuisines.
Diced potatoes are cooked gently in a fresh tomato sauce, which is flavoured with curry leaves and green chillies.
Recipe from “Best Ever Indian Cookbook with Baljekar, Fernandez, Husain & Kanani”
PrepTime: 15-20 mins; CookTime: abt 20 mins; Serves 4
- 2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into small cubes (soak in cold water to prevent discolouration)
- 1 tbsp vegetable oil
- 2 medium onions, peeled and finely chopped
- 4 curry leaves
- ¼ tsp onion seeds
- 1 fresh green chilli, seeded and finely chopped
- 4 tomatoes, sliced
- 1 tsp grated fresh root ginger
- 1 tsp crushed peeled garlic
- 1 tsp chilli powder
- 1 tsp ground coriander
- ¼ tsp salt, or to taste
- 1 tsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
- 3 hard-boiled eggs, to garnish
- Heat oil in a wok or heavy pan.
- Stirfry onions, curry leaves, onion seeds and green chillies for abt 40 seconds.
- Add tomatoes (and its juices) and cook for abt 2 mins over low heat.
- Add ginger and garlic, chilli powder, ground coriander, and salt to taste. Continue to stirfry for 1-2 mins.
- Then drain and add potatoes, cooking over low heat for 5-7 mins till potatoes are tender. (If potatoes are still hard, add some water and continue till potatoes are tender.)
- Add lemon juice and fresh coriander. Stir to mix together.
- Shell hard-boiled eggs, cut into quarters and add as garnish to finished dish.
- Drain hard-boiled eggs and cool them under cold running water, then tap shells and leave eggs till cold. This prevents a discoloured rim from forming round outside of yolk and enables shell to be removed easily.
- Discolouration can also be a problem if potatoes are cubed and left to stand before being cooked. Prepare them just before frying the onion mixture.
And one without hard-boiled eggs.. 🙂

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